
Sydney Water Training

Sydney Water Training

Sydney Water Compliant Courses


NEW ! NWP Units will be offered in 2025.

CTC Safety has been training Sydney Water workers and contractors for over 30 years. We have the knowledge your workforce needs to compliantly work around and in Sydney Water assets.

"Our trainers and assessors are ex Sydney Water employees or Civil Infrastructure experts that are current in most Sydney Water policies and procedures."  


For Sydney Water Provider Training Requirements Matrix click here


Sydney Water Provider Course Options


  • NWPNET049 - Construct and install water distribution assets (supersedes NWPNET031 Construct and install water distribution assets)

  • NWPNET050 - Construct and install wastewater collection assets (supersedes NWPNET032 Construct and install wastewater assets)

  • NWPNET040 - Maintain and repair network assets for wastewater (supersedes NWPNET023 Maintain and repair network assets for wastewater)

  • NWPNET039 - Maintain and repair network assets for drinking water (supersedes NWPNET022 Maintain and repair network assets for drinking water)

  • NWPNET020 - Control electrical risk on metallic pipes (supersedes NWPNET003 Control electrical risk on metallic pipes)

  • Low Voltage Release and Rescue + CPR 

  • Asbestos Awareness and Asbestos Removal Training

  • Confined Space Training

  • Earthmoving Plant Statements of Attainment and VOC's

  • First Aid Training

  • Height Safety Training

  • Poly Welding and Electrofusion Training

  •  Trench Shoring and Stability Training

  • Underground Services Training 


Click on the above links for more course information.


If you need help or are not sure what training your workforce needs or would like to book over the phone call us on 1300 386 263 or email us by clicking here

Public and Group bookings are available at our training centres located at Tuggerah - Central Coast, Emu Plains - Sydney and Port Kembla - Illawarra.

Onsite group bookings are also available for most of these courses NSW wide. *Discounts apply for group bookings

* Does not included Sydney Water FIFM and LOTO training